01 Andrew Carlton - Leave It All Behind
02 Charlie Hall - My Brightness
03 Children 183 - Homemade Valentine
04 David Crowder Band - O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing
05 Emery - Ten Talents
06 Francesca Battistelli - Free To Be Me
07 Ivoryline - Hearts And Minds
08 Jeromy & Jennifer Deibler - Im Coming Home
09 Kelly Mack - Call My Name
10 KJ 52 - Do Yo Thang
11 Matthew West - The Motions
12 MercyMe - Finally Home
13 Ruth - Who I Was and Who I Am
14 Sarah Reeves - Sweet Sweet Sound
15 Scott Riggan - Act Of Surrender (I Will Bow)
16 Search The City - The Rescue
17 Secret And Whisper - Anchors
18 The Katinas - Praying For You
19 Travis Ryan - Salvation Is Here

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