01 Above The Golden State - I'll Love You So
02 Bluetree - God Of This City
03 Connersvine - Hero
04 Danyew - Beautiful King
05 Decemberadio - Look For Me
06 FM Static - Take Me As I Am
07 Hawk Nelson - Let's Dance
08 Hillsong - All To Show
09 Israel Houghton - My Tribute
10 Jars Of Clay - Two Hands
11 Jaymes Reunion - Let It Shine
12 Jimmy Needham - Forgiven And Loved
13 John Waller - Hands Of The Healer
14 Kierra Sheard - Invisible
15 Laura Story - Bless The Lord
16 Press Play - Life Is Beautiful
17 Remedy Drive - All Along
18 Run Kid Run - Set The Dial
19 Ten Shekel Shirt - Surprised

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